retirement prayers for teachers

      O LORD, make me feel and yearn the way their little souls aspire.
        So I can set and pluck the right chord of my living lyre.
  Make me crave and long the way their little minds imagine.
          So I won't put myself above their childish margin.
          Make me crave and long the way their little hearts desire.
          So in their childish misdemeanour's I won't be set afire.
          Make me the balm to soothe and the pill of quick relief.
          Then tide of their spirit is low and overrun by grief.
          Make me a refuge safe for every despairing little heart.
And a heaven of hope when their tender pride is bruised and hurt.
So I can perceive every detail and secret of its parts.         
        That by knowing them, I won't be uncertain and hesitating
          Of what to do right and what I am to abstain and retrain from;
          With thy light divine to lend my steps and my blind thoughts aright,
          And thy presence in every task I do and in all my undertaking,
          I may not grope in the darkness of my own ignorance,
          And Ariel with its fiery heels and devilry-giving spell
          Won't dare set afoot to cast its misleading shadow of doubt,
          So as to bedim, to eclipse, and canopy the fluorescence of thy truth;
          Then may I with thy will and grace and blessing not fail.
         In this herculean task and mission thou hast entrusted me
         To share in designing a citizenry fundamentally sound and tall.
          And worthy future citizens of the world with eligible souls.
