Family Focus
            Letter F is for father
            The head of our family
            He loves my sisters and brother
            Including our loving mother.

            A is for the word and
            That unites father and mother,
            With them our home is blessed
            With everlasting happiness.

            This letter is for my loving mother
            The woman that gave me life,
             Till death I will forget her never
             She's my father's beloved wife,

            This letter stands for the word I
            My personal pronoun as the speaker,
            Father and mother love me, I know not why
            In return, I love them forever.

            Begins the spelling of the word love
            That binds the hearts of dad and mother,
            Their affections are gifts from high above
            That dwell in their hearts forever.

           Y, the last letter, is for the word you
            The last of the word family,
            With love, the children read the word 
             F A M I L Y
