To use power, knowledge, kindness for Three;
To use my eyes and observe people, yet hiding
the faults I see;
To make my tongue impart a loving, soothing
word to cheer;
To keep silent whenever doubt strikes my brain;
To lead my feet to I know not where
The Lord will direct them.
________ O ________
To give my heart to Thee ___ the stained t'will
he whiter;
To face bravely my problems and my sorrows
symbols of God's love for me.
To wait till the storms are over just like a
traveler on his way;
To cheer the hearts of the grieving with words
of comfort and glee.
__________ O _________
To help a stumbling brother pluck the ugly thorns
To go to God's garden and there labor earnestly
His call to obey;
To keep the candle burning and give out its bright
To march onward to the kingdom of the soul
before darkness shrouds the night.
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